Boycott Bayer and J&J please! In Sept 2011 My life was forever destroyed after being misdiagnosed and taking 6.5 pills of 750mg Cipro over the course of a week for what was just constipation from Lyme disease and a bad diet. My body was telling me to stop but the Drs. and my own mother told me to keep taking it... Location: Princess Anne Hospital - Virginia Beach, VA ER nurse told me to keep taking it even after I told her about my arms("thats the medicine working") ER Doc: Dr. Oliver Agustin Gastro Doc: Dr. Deshmukh - Virginia Beach Gastroenterology consultants (told me to keep taking it even after I told him about my swollen forearms) Western Medicine fails - Big Pharmas stooge murdering innocent victims every day. Still I blame myself for not listening to my body and the ether beckons me every day. (A few bottles of magnesium citrate from the local drugstore would have fixed me). I now have permanent nerve damage and the strength of a 95 yr old man.