Pickleball Cafe Creator
Dave Schwan

Hooked on Pickleball
Nine years ago, I was an avid racquetball player, but my "hit it hard" strategy ended up causing me painful shoulder and elbow strains. While waiting for my next game in the hallway of my local YMCA, I caught sight of a group of people playing an unusual sport with a whiffle ball in the gym. I was spotted watching, which, as we all know, causes pickleballers to flock. I was invited to try it and quickly found myself addicted to the game of pickleball.
My Love for the Rules
As a child, I was fortunate to be surrounded by analytical minds - my Dad and Uncle could spend hours dissecting anything from the latest news headlines to the intricacies of sports rules. It was during these lively discussions that I first developed a fascination for breaking things down and understanding them on a deeper level. I began studying the rules of pickleball.
I started refereeing pickleball games by chance when I played in a local tournament and they asked for volunteers. Despite never having refereed before, I knew the rules and stepped up. Now, seven years later, I'm now a level 2 credentialed referee and working towards my certification.

Pickleball and Technology
In the early 2000s, I studied art, but later fell in love with programming and have been designing and building websites ever since. I work at a software company during the day and spend my free time working on Pickleball Cafe. Out of all the hobby websites I've created over the years, Pickleball Cafe is the one that has truly captured my interest. I enjoy the challenge of finding new ways to promote pickleball, share my passion for the sport, and educate people on the rules.
The Evolution of Pickleball Cafe
My first attempt at a pickleball website was called "pickleball tips" and was a simple blog where I shared things pickleball strategy, terms, rules, and more. It was a fun first step into the world of pickleball websites. But I quickly grew out of the interest in just "tips" and wanted to create something more.
I created "Pickleball Cafe" to be more than just a blog. It's a website where people can learn all about pickleball. The name "Pickleball Cafe" reflects my vision of a virtual space where players and enthusiasts can come together to explore all aspects of the sport - from improving skills to discovering the latest gear to watching pros and amateurs in action.