This list represents the current top 10 pickleball women in the world. Rankings are updated regularly and are based on their most-recent doubles DUPR rating.

#1  Anna Leigh Waters
6.69 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
18 years old
5'6" tall
Right handed
#2  Anna Bright
6.37 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
25 years old
5'8" tall
Right handed
#3  Jorja Johnson
6.29 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
Right handed
#4  Catherine Parenteau
6.21 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
30 years old
5'5" tall
Right handed
#5  Etta Wright
6.07 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
32 years old
5'10" tall
Right handed
#6  Leigh Waters
6.06 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
45 years old
5'6" tall
Right handed
#7  Jackie Kawamoto
6.06 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
#8  Parris Todd
6.00 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
Right handed
#9  Megan Fudge
6.00 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
Right handed
#10  Jade Kawamoto
5.98 (DUPR Doubles Rating)
Right handed

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